
Music expresses feeling and thought, without language. It was below and before speech, and it is above and beyond all words.

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The week ahead in business


Today’s events for Jan. 6

Johnny and Judy Turner will offer Shag Classes beginning Monday, Jan. 6.…

Tri-county agencies solved the majority of their homicide cases in 2024

Agencies across Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester counties responded to nearly 80 homicides…

How many homicides happened each month of 2024 in the tri-county?

Agencies across Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester counties responded to nearly 80 homicides…

The heaviest snowfall in a decade is possible as a wintery blast roils parts of the US

A blast of snow, ice, wind and plunging temperatures stirred up dangerous…

Higher Social Security payments coming for millions of people from bill that Biden is signing

President Joe Biden is set to sign into law a measure that…

Student housing report

Market Highlights

On brink of unknown future, how much of ordinary life will survive next 25 years?

The 21st century is already 25 years old. Yet this is the…

Dear Abby for January 5, 2025